Sunday, September 25, 2011

interesting events of the week...

well we didn't know that we would have to have a job coming into this... we thought basketball was our job but... four days a week sam and i go down to the school and 'coach' basketball for hour. an hour that doesn't sound bad but these kids are like wild animals! not only are they screaming little kids, they are screaming little kids that are speaking Spanish! only about half can speak and understand english. it is a challenge for the both of us.. but oh well. they love playing the game knock out which they call K.O... sam and i thought that they were saying cow, later we found out that it sounds like cow because of the sounds of the letters k.o. in spanish. on thursday my group of about 7 kids were playing k.o., the kids started to yell at each in spanish, and i had know idea how to handle that. so i gathered them together and said that i don't understand what they are fighting about because i don't speak spanish!! so stop yelling! they listened i think because after i said that there was no more yelling lol. its pretty stressful working with a group of 8 & 9 year olds when you speak the same language...imagine not speaking the same language.
most of these experiences are so hard to explain in writing, sometimes you just have to be there and see it for yourself :)

walks to practice:
this week there has been a lot of walking to practice... where we practice is easily a 25 min walk.

actual practice:
practice this week and has been interesting as always. drills that don't really make sense, aren't really making us any better... but finally we have started to practice our plays more on 5 on 0, so that the coach luis can actually stop and fix what we are doing wrong. the girls are starting to help more when we have questions on whats going on, on the court...and off.

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